$95.00 USD

Leading Effective Meetings

Many of us spend more than 20 hours in meetings each week. The majority of us feel that many meetings are unproductive and inefficient. While there are many possible causes for this, ultimately, the buck stops at the meeting leader.

Great leadership = effective meetings:

WHAT’S MISSING: Sure, but you already understand what it takes to lead great meetings? Be prepared, create an objective and agenda and keep people on track.

Unfortunately, these 2 tools are not enough.

Preparation is important. You need to add 2 new tools to your toolbox: destination and pathway. These will increase the odds of getting what you want out of a meeting.

Preparation is not everything. During the meeting, you have to be great at managing 3 things:

  • time

  • people

  • content

Some of the ideas you have for managing these dimensions are not helping you: Always stick to the agenda. No.

You need a new set of principles to guide your approach and tools for managing these three.

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: In this hour-long live virtual training, you’ll learn and practice these skills:

  • Meeting Destination: You’ll learn how a destination differs from an objective. You’ll develop a destination and get feedback.

  • Pathway: You’ll learn how to turn your agenda into a pathway, using 5 different format types. You’ll develop a pathway and get feedback.

  • Managing Time: You’ll learn when it’s ok to get behind on your agenda, but what you can’t let happen. You’ll learn 2 tools that help you respond when you do get behind.

  • Managing People: You’ll learn how to increase group participation in a discussion using different questions and phrasing. You’ll learn how to handle disagreements and how to get talkative people to speak less and how to get quiet people to talk more.

  • Managing Content: You’ll learn about the 4 tools for managing content and practice using them.


CLASS STRUCTURE: The class will take place virtually via Zoom and include the following formats:

  • Full group presentation with slides

  • Interactive exercises using a collaborative platform

  • Small group discussion

  • Live personalized coaching and feedback