Soft Skills Insights

We unpack behavior science, habit research, and academic research to provide practical insight into how to upgrade your people's critical thinking, communication, people management, and time management skills

Running a Meeting? Skip an Objective and Agenda for These 2 Tools communication time management Jul 25, 2024

Yes, an objective and an agenda can help you run an effective meeting, but these two tools – a destination and a pathway – are much better.


WHY THIS MATTERS: Professionals...

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Why Highly Skilled Workers Use Checklists time management Aug 23, 2022

As we progress toward higher skill work, we assume we can handle the simple aspects of getting work done with our minds. However, the reality is that we can’t – and we shouldn’t.

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The Key to Becoming Productive Lies in These 7 Systems time management Aug 04, 2022

One of the most common questions we get from professionals looking to become more productive is: 

What is the one thing I can do to dramatically increase my productivity?

This is a natural...

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How to Clear Your Inbox with 6 Simple Searches time management Apr 05, 2021

Few people can say that they never let their inbox get out of control. Even if you’re more of an inbox zero devotee, there’s a fair chance you find yourself with a...

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7 Outlook/Gmail Features That Will Cut Your Email Time time management Mar 03, 2021

It’s no secret that managing email is one of the great struggles of being a professional today. While the numbers vary considerably, many people spend a third of their workday reading,...

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Flipped Meetings: How to Make Meetings Shorter and More Effective people management time management Feb 17, 2021

It feels like an unbeatable problem. There are too many meetings. There isn’t any time to do your own work. You feel exhausted by the end of the day from staring at a grid of faces.


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Why and When Phone Calls Beat Zoom time management Feb 03, 2021

In the worldwide shift to remote work, many jumped headlong into Zoom (or other videoconference) meetings. The idea, which admittedly, we espoused on this site was that video calls are...

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Ending the Year Right Starts with 4 Emotional Objectives time management Dec 21, 2020

Endings are significant. And we are in the midst of one right now – the end of the year. Endings change how we act and what we remember. Get them right, and you add meaning to that which is...

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The Power of Ownership people management time management Nov 25, 2020

You’re waiting to be seen by the doctor and it seems like it’s going to be quite a wait. You can choose between joining a line for a specific doctor or staying in a centralized, pooled...

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How Your Sequencing of Tasks Affects Productivity time management Nov 25, 2020

There are two lines of thought regarding how you should sequence tasks in order to maximize your productivity. One suggests that once you finish one task, you should move onto the next with the...

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How to Stay Motivated: Pleasure or Purpose time management Nov 19, 2020

Research shows some unfortunate news for the millions of professionals who have found themselves working from home for the last few months – and their employers. People who work from home...

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Does Quantifying Your Work Make You More Productive? time management Aug 31, 2020

The quantified self movement has gained significant momentum over the last few years as more and more people have sought ways to collect data on all aspects of their life.

Similarly, as...

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