How Productive Mindsets Boost Employee Engagement
Nov 12, 2018
Founder Matt Plummer was featured in this extensive report by Hubstaff, which provides a time-tracking app. Below is the selection from Matt found in the “Experience Well Being” section of the report.
How Zarvana Uses Employee Engagement To Improve Business Growth
Putting time back in people’s lives is our mission not only because we think it improves individuals’ lives, but also because we believe it’s better for companies’ bottom line.
Numerous studies have shown that engaged, healthy people who aren’t exhausted or overwhelmed with stress do better work. We work hard to live our values and mission. We think employee engagement depends primarily on 4 factors:
- workload
- opportunity to contribute
- felt sense of support, and
- opportunity to grow and develop
So we ask our team about these four areas each month, and then work to make changes when necessary.
Beyond that, we look for small signs that something is off, and we don’t back away from the hard questions. If someone sends an email at midnight, we’ll be talking about it the next day.
How Zarvana Cultivates A Productivity Mindset
When it comes to developing a productivity mindset, we’ve found that you need to combat the four “P” beliefs: perfectionism, plateauing, powerlessness, and pointlessness.
Perfectionism says everything has to be exactly right all the time. We push back on this by talking about impact first (how much will this matter) and calling into question additional efforts to get work just right.
A plateauing mindset says that after a certain point, you can’t really get more productive. Many professionals believe they have already reached this point. From the top to the bottom, we believe we can all continue to become more productive and so we continue to “take our own medicine,” change our behaviors, and keep learning.
Powerlessness says change is impossible, but we say, “It’s hard, but research shows how to make it easier,” and so we follow research-backed ways to change habits.
A pointlessness mindset says, “It doesn’t matter if I save time by getting more productive because then my workload will just increase.” To combat this mindset, we don’t ensure our people work a certain number of hours per week. If they get their work done early one day, they can be done.
When pushing back on all four of these, it’s important to remember that mindsets and behaviors go hand in hand: we need to highlight behaviors that reinforce productivity mindsets and identify and stop those that undermine them.